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The FT has invested to improve its republishing offering

The Financial Times’ quality journalism is trusted by the global business community to provide unbiased, award-winning analysis and insights. Consumption of news is at record highs and growing, but so is the demand for authoritative reporting on business, finance and politics from around the world.

The FT’s republishing service, or syndication, allows organisations to repurpose Financial Times content for their own platforms, whether that’s for internal or external usage. Through FT republishing, firms can bolster their content marketing strategy with high-quality journalism, or reach beyond their domestic market to grow their readership.

Over 55,000 FT articles are republished by organisations every year. FT republishing customers can choose the content that’s most relevant to their needs and attract, retain and build their audience. The FT has invested in enhancing the republishing service to make it easier than ever to provide richer, multimedia content that increases reader engagement.

Copyright Cleared Feed

Our existing Republishing Platform allowed clients full access to to select the articles that suited, but did not easily fit into clients’ workflows.

The Copyright Cleared Feed (CCF) platform provides an automated way to stream content for FT’s republishing clients, in the form of an industry-standard RSS feed. The CCF portal is a powerful instrument for the setup of a custom RSS feed, tailored to the individual and specific customer demands.

Republishing clients will be able to seamlessly integrate FT content into their content management systems and receive a personalised content feed based on their topics of interest. In addition, there’s an added layer of search functionality to discover new topics or trends, saving time and allowing users to continue to benefit from the FT’s content, faster.

Syndicating FT content enables customers to:

  • Enhance their own media with high quality content and an international perspective
  • Gain a competitive edge by attracting and retaining more print and online readers
  • Fulfil the growing demand for authoritative business and finance information
  • Capitalise on the respected FT brand, known for its authority, objectivity and integrity
  • Maximise advertising potential

Graphics and charts

Republish charts such as these
Republish charts such as these
Republish charts such as these
Republish charts such as these
Republish charts such as these

Alongside this change, we have made some tweaks to the content customers are allowed to republish. We have added a product extension to FT Republishing called Graphics. This add-on enables customers to download graphics and charts.

Previously, users of our FT Republishing service could only syndicate FT article copy and video content. There has been significant interest in republishing other content from the FT, typically charts and graphics, as they are often an integral part of the story.

This change to our platform allows users greater control in what content they serve to their audience and to benefit from the FT’s expertise in using data visualisation to explain complex stories. The addition of Graphics to the FT republishing service ensures that customers can provide an even richer and more engaging experience to readers in an easy and cost-effective way.

An FT Republishing licence provides your organisation with high-quality, relevant intelligence for use online or in print, fulfilling the growing worldwide demand for authoritative news and analysis and helping you grow your business.

For more information about how the Financial Times can help your organisation or to request a free trial, please get in touch.

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